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  1. MY CAT
Feb. 23, 2024

Mice can be fun pets

It might surprise you, but as pets, mice aren’t all that different from cats. The little rodents are friendly by nature and love to be around their favorite humans, happily taking a nap on your lap or in your shirt pocket. Mice are also exceptionally clever. They can recognize human faces, be taught tricks, and solve mazes. What’s even better: don’t worry about a mess. Mice keep their cage nice and clean, and they can even be litter box trained! Just like pet hamsters, gerbils, and Guinea pigs, pet mice can transfer diseases, so just make sure to be extra vigilant towards signs of infection.

Mice plant little flower gardens

Just like squirrels and chipmunks, various species of mice hide seeds all around their territory for safekeeping. As the little rodents might forget the location of part of their stash, these seeds get the chance to germinate and grow into beautiful flowers or fruits, such as sunflowers, pumpkins, corns, and more!

Mice keep the soil airy

Burrowing mice such as voles dig underground to create shelter and hunt for food. The tunnels created help keep the soil light, allowing water to seep into the ground and for nutrients to be distributed, which is great for the plants in the area.

Mice eat creepy crawlies

While many people think mice are scary, the little rodents keep even creepier crawlers at bay. While mice usually prefer fruits and seeds, they won’t refuse a tasty insect such as a grasshopper, beetle, caterpillar, or even spider!