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  1. MY CAT
Oct. 22, 2021

In this article

Tip 1

Keep your cat indoors

It speaks for itself that you should keep your cat indoors during a fireworks display. If your cat is normally allowed outdoors, make sure to keep them indoors on holidays such as New Year’s Eve, the 4th of July or Bonfire Night. Lure your cat inside way ahead of sunset as cats can be hard to trick into coming inside.

Tip 2

Cover the windows and leave on the lights

The sudden flashes of light combined with loud bangs and other strange noises can be frightening to cats. Make sure no light enters through the windows by closing the curtains or blinds. Leave the lights inside your home on to conceal the flashes from the fireworks even further.

Cover the windows and leave on the lights

Tip 3

Turn on the radio or television

By playing some music or turning on the television, loud bangs caused by the fireworks will become less apparent. Your cat will probably already be used to the sound of the television anyway, which provides an extra form of comfort. In addition, the changing light of the television will conceal any flashes of light from outside, making it seem to your cat like not much is going on.

Tip 4

Create a safe spot

If your cat has their favorite hiding spot inside your house, make this space as comfortable as possible with blankets, treats, and toys. Cats usually feel safer when they are high up, so placing a cardboard box lined with blankets on top of the fridge or a cupboard could be a good idea. Make sure to cover the entrance to the box by hanging a thin blanket over it to make sure your cat feels safe once inside, yet still allowing them to peek outside to observe their surroundings. Placing a t-shirt with your scent on it in the box can also be particularly helpful

Create a safe spot

Tip 5

Don’t lock up your cat in a confined space

confined spaces are fine as long as they are safe, and your cat enters them on their own volition. Don’t lock up your cat in a small space as they might injure themselves trying to escape. Instead, grant your cat access to all safe rooms in the house.

Tip 6

Don’t pick up your cat

There’s a good chance that the fireworks will stress out your cat. By picking up your feline friend, you will only increase stress levels, which could lead to sudden aggressive behaviour. Give your cat some time to settle down after the fireworks, preferably until the next morning.

Don’t pick up your cat

Tip 7

Act normal

Cats are very clever animals that can pick up on subtle behavioural changes. Following them around or cuddling them too often will soon become suspicious to them. Once you have locked your cat inside, treat them as you would on any given day as much as possible. If your cat sees that the fireworks do not cause you to behave differently, they might realise that it’s nothing to be scared of.

Tip 8

Escape-proof your house

Make sure that all windows and doors are closed, and that the cat flap is blocked off. Cats can squeeze themselves into surprisingly small spaces, potentially hurting themselves or getting stuck. Make sure to block off such spaces way before the fireworks even start.

Escape-proof your house

Tip 9

Get your cat microchipped

In case your cat manages to run off in fear, it is vital that they can be traced back to you. Definitely get your cat microchipped, or make sure the contact details are up to date in case your cat already has a chip. In addition, make sure your cat wears a breakaway collar with a name tag on it so your furry friend can be reunited with you asap.

Tip 10

Consult your vet

 If your cat remains absolutely terrified of fireworks, despite you having taken all measures above, it would be a good idea to consult your vet. These medical professionals can prescribe your cat medication if needed or can talk to you about other solutions, like pheromone diffusers designed to help your cat relax.