Catit Official Brand Site


7 great ways of helping cats in need

Unfortunately, many cats aren’t as lucky as yours to have such a warm and welcoming home. As we never like to see a cat in …

Catit Mini Flower Fountain – Cleaning Guide

Watch the tutorial videos to find out how to clean your Catit Mini Flower fountain and fountain pump.

Help, my cat is getting bald. Should I worry?

Hair loss doesn’t have to be problematic as cats naturally shed their fur. But, when bald spots appear, an underlying condition is likely the cause. …

Our tips and tricks on how to take care of your cat’s teeth

Cats are incredible hunters that inherited a fine set of teeth from their ancestors. In the wild, cats need their teeth to catch and kill …

Why do cats cough up hairballs?

A hairball is a collection of hair that has become tangled inside your cat’s stomach. When this ball gets too large, your cat might vomit …

Which Catit Grooming Kit for my cat

Cats come in all shapes and sizes, and with various different coat types. We help you to choose the perfect Catit grooming kit for your …

All you need to know about your kitten’s teeth

Kittens are born without any teeth, but they will soon start to develop mean fangs and chompers. Read on to find out all about the …

Fact vs fiction: cat spaying and neutering explained.

Are you in doubt about getting your cat spayed or neutered? Do you wonder whether the benefits will outweigh the downsides? In this article, we …

Our 5 easy care tips for your senior cat

As cats get older, their needs and preferences gradually change. We have some tips and tricks to care for your aging feline friend even better …

10 tips and tricks for brushing your cat

Grooming your cat can be a hassle. We collected our best tips and tricks to make combing your cat easy-peasy.

Get the most out of your Catit Shorthair Grooming Kit!

Whatever it is that you want to achieve, we have the right grooming tool for you! Read on to find out when to use which …

Get the most out of your Catit Longhair Grooming Kit!

Taking care of your longhaired feline's luscious coat requires a specific approach. Read up on when and how to use which cat brush to achieve …